| rst 5.6 & rct 7.6 service manual 2007_rev1.0
RST5.6 & RCT 7.6 Sears Service Manual 2007
Erratic Speed Troubleshooting Continued
Possible Cause
Test Procedure
Erratic Speeds-belt speed
increases without command, but
shows change on display and
In a program
Stuck button
-Remove safety key, then replace.
-Start in P1 and see if reoccurs.
-Enter EN90(button test) and test
all buttons.
Engineering Mode. (p. 15 & p.16)
-Remove Upper Control Board.
Check if button works properly
once removed from face plate.
If button does not stick when re-
moved from Upper Control Board,
then replace the face plate.
After removing Uper Control
Board, if button is still stuck,
then replace Upper Control Board.