2、confirm the Rx and Tx ports of the fiber module when
connecting, insert one end of the fiber into the Rx and Tx ports
correspondingly, ensure that the Tx and Rx ends of the interface
are connected correctly and the other end of the fiber is
connected to another device;
3、please check the corresponding indicator light status after
power on. If the light blinking that the link is properly connected,
if the light is off , the link is failure, please check the line to
confirm that the corresponding equipment is enabled.
DO NOT excessive bending fiber, the radius of curvature should
not be lessthan 10cm;
Ensure the cleanliness of the fiber surface;
Please DO NOT look directly into the optical fiber connector with
your eyes as this may cause eye injury
2.3 Check before power on
Check whether the outlet power supply meets the switch
Check the power, switches, racks and other equipment have been
properly grounded;
Check whether the switch and other network devices are
connected properly