Hopetech Electronics Technology
every time after receipt of a trigger signal and switch back to Ta value after maintaining Tb
for pulse width time.
Figure 3.19 DYNA- pulse mode
In toggle mode, after enabling dynamic test operation, the load will be switched
continuously between Ia value and Ib value after receipt of every trigger signal.
Figure 3.20 DYNA- trigger mode
Trigger control
When the dynamic test mode is set to pulse mode, or trigger mode, the trigger control is
activated. The trigger mode has 3 types:
1) Button trigger:
Trigger once when the TR button is pressed once;
2) External hardware input trigger:
Trigger when TRI terminal level in the rear panel of the E-load is continuously at a low
level of 5mS or more.
3) The host computer software controls the trigger.
For example: