Hopetech Electronics Technology
Chapter 3 Functions and Features
This chapter will introduce functions and features of 8000 E-load in the following sections:
Basic operation modes
LIST function
OCP over current test function
EFFT load effect test function
AUTO automatic test function
DYNA dynamic test function
BATT battery test function
SHORT short-circuit simulation function
LED load simulation function
SWEEP dynamic frequency conversion scanning function
TIMEING time measurement function
DCR DC resistance measurement function;
Measurement items
3.1 Basic Operation Modes
The E-load has four basic modes:
1) Constant current mode (CC)
2) Constant voltage mode (CV)
3) constant resistance mode (CR)
4) Constant power mode (CW)
3.1.1 Constant Current Mode (CC)
In constant current mode, the DC E-load will sink a constant current, regardless of the
voltage of the source. See the figure below.