4. MaintenanCe
Familiarize yourself with these home maintenance tasks as proper use and care of your cleaner will ensure
continued cleaning effectiveness.
Any other servicing should be done by an authorized service representative.
4.1 Remove dirty water tank from unit.
4.2 Open Quick Spout Pour Cap and partially fill
dirty water tank with clean water and swirl around
to loosen debris.
4.3 To clean dirty water tank ducting, place dirty
water tank under faucet and dispense high pres-
sure clean water into the inlet port of the dirty water
tank to loose debris that has accumulated.
4.4 Allow tank to air dry completely.
4.5 Replace Quick Spour Pour Cap and replace
dirty water tank back onto unit.
Cleaning tHe dirtY Water
note: During normal use of cleaning, debris may
accumulate inside of dirty water tank. In order to
keep your unit functioning properly and to prevent
any odors from building up, it is best to rinse out your
dirty water tank with fresh water after each use.
Be sure to remove any debris that has
accumulated in the screen above the float. If the
screen becomes clogged, this may reduce the
performance of your cleaner.
Regarding Quick Spout Pour Cap: For full
suction it is important that the quick spout pour
cap is securely in place. If misplaced, poor to no
suction will result.
To reduce the risk of personal injury - Unplug
before cleaning or servicing.