Choosing between left- or right-hand usage
The DigiMax-HD is designed for both left- and right- hand users. To set the
unit according to left-or right-hand use position the camera head as
described in the next paragraph and rotate the DigiMax-HD image if
necessary by pressing the left / right-hand use button on the control pad.
Positioning the camera head and the camera arm
The DigiMax-HD features a flexible camera head and camera arm. The
camera head can be rotated in front of the screen 180 degrees around a
vertical axes to fit both to left- and right-hand use. The following figure
shows the camera head at the position for right- and left- hand use.
Camera Position for Right-hand Use
Camera Position for Left-hand Use
Around the horizontal axes the camera head can be tilted 270 degrees. Tilt
the camera head and rotate it to view objects such as a white board at a
more distant proximity. The following figure shows the possible tilt
Left/Right Switch Button