To drain tank, open drain cock, located in the middle
of the tank at one end. Allow a few seconds to purge the
tank of water. Weekly draining is usually the minimum
NOTE. The frequency of draining depends on climatic
conditions. In humid climates, daily draining
may be necessary.
Consider adding the Honeywell AK3485 automatic
drain kit.
Visually check the air intake filter on l/3- to 2-hp
(0.25 to 1.49 kW) compressors for build-up of foreign
material on a routine basis. A dirty filter causes excessive
oil consumption, replace it.
The 3-hp (2.24 kW) and larger units use the Quincy
Air Maze filter silencer, which is checked for dirt by
removing it from the unit and holding a strong light
against the intake openings. Light should be visible when
observing from the inside of the filter.
ash the filter
in nonflammable
solvent or in warm, soapy water.
Check filter element condition by comparing tank
pressure to line pressure downstream from filter. one
doesn’t exist, a gage tap may have to be installed in the
line to read the pressure. The pressure difference should
not exceed 15 lb/in2 (100 kPa) at any time. Filter ele-
ment should be replaced if the difference in pressure is
approaching this limit. Subtract the line pressure reading
from the tank pressure. The difference should not exceed
15 lb/in2 (100 kPa).
Allowing system pressure to drop to zero during
replacement of element or gage tap installation
will cause all actuators in the system to assume
stem drawings f o r
To change a filter in the 7-l/2 hp (5.6 k
to Fig. 1. Shut off air to filter at point (A) and bleed
down housing by manually operating drain trap (B).
Remove wing nut and clamp ring (C) from housing and
remove housing and automatic drain. Remove knurled
nut at bottom of filter and replace filter. Reassemble,
taking care that O-ring seal on bottom side of cover has
not been disturbed. Turn on air slowly, checking for
-1/2 HP (5.60 kW)
Fig. 1. Changing Filter Cartridge on 7
Safety relief valves are factory set to approximately
15 lb/in2 (100 kPa) higher than the rated pressure of the
compressor. Check each safety relief valve by pulling on
the ring to unseat it.
Replace o r repair malfunctioning
valves immediately.
Safety relief’ valves are located next
to the pressure switch or on the tank.
Hand pressure should depress the belt about 1/2 inch
(13 mm). Tighten the belt just enough to prevent slippage.
Adjust tension by loosening the motor hold-down bolts,
moving the motor until tension is correct, then retighten
the bolts. Insure that belt and pulleys are aligned. Replace
worn or frayed belts.
Fig. 2. Checking Belt Tension.