Table 2. Output Map Designations
Output 1 - not used
Output 1 - Local and Remote Low
Output 1 - Local Low Alarm
Output 1 - Local Low and Remote
High Alarms
Output 1 - Local High Alarm
Output 1 - Local Low and Remote
Low and High Alarms
Output 1 - Local Low and High
Output 1 - Local High and Remote
Low Alarms
Output 1 - Remote Low Alarm
Output 1 - Local and Remote High
Output 1 - Remote High Alarm
Output 1 - Local High and Remote
Low and High Alarms
Output 1 - Remote Low and
High Alarms
Output 1 - All Alarms; Local Low
and High and Remote Low and
Map designations:
Low Limit High Limit
Both Low
& High Limits
Examples: (The same choices can be used for relay 2)
Display -
The TS300 displays the selected temperature (local [ambient] or remote) in either Fahrenheit or
Centigrade as programmed. To check the temperature at a sensor, press the left button for the local sensor or
the right button for the remote probe. The temperature you have requested will flash 5 times and then return to
displaying the temperature of the sensor you have chosen to display.
Alarm -
If the temperature at an enabled sensor varies outside either of its mapped limits, the audible
annunciator will sound, if programmed,
the mapped output will switch to its alarm state, but only after the
selected delay time has expired. If the delay time is set to 0 the alarm will be immediate. The maximum delay
time is 255 minutes (4 hours, 15 minutes). The output will remain in its alarm state until the temperature
returns to within the selected limits as buffered by the programmed degrees of hysteresis. As long as the
temperature remains outside the selected temperature limits, the display will cycle between the desired display
temperature and the name of the limit(s) exceeded.
Silence -
The Audible alarm is silenced by pressing either of the buttons. It will remain silenced until the
silence timeout time expires and then it will become audible again. In addition, when the output delay time is in
the final 60 seconds the audible will switch to a fast beep (250mS pulsed), if it has been enabled.
High and Low Temp limits and Alarm Memory -
To display the programmed high and low temperature
limits, press and hold both buttons momentarily. The unit will show the programmed limits followed by any
alarms in alarm memory. The TS300 stores the last 8 alarm events. An alarm event is one where the relay
output was activated. If delays are used, and the temperature restored before the delay time expired, it is not
considered an alarm and will not be stored in alarm memory. Alarms are displayed as the limit that was
violated. For example LLO for local low limit. The alarms are displayed most recent to oldest. Alarm memory is
cleared when you enter set-up mode or when power is cycled to the unit.