1. Use Thermostat Tool to remove thermostat cover.
Assemble Gage and Gage Port Needle.
2. Insert Gage Port Needle into thermostat gage tap.
Turn setpoint adjustment until setpoint indicator reads
measured room temperature.
4. Proceed to appropriate section following.
Single-Temperature Thermostats
1. Turn calibration screw until Gage reads 0 psi.
2. Turn calibration screw in opposite direction until Gage
reads 8 psi (56 kPa) psi
3. Remove Gage. Set thermostat at desired temperature.
Replace thermostat cover.
General Procedure (All Thermostats) Dual Temperature Thermostats
With main air at pressure specified for DAY operation,
turn DAY calibration screw until Gage reads 0 psi.
Turn calibration screw in opposite direction until Gage
reads 8 psi (56 kPa) psi
With main air at pressure specified for NITE operation,
rotate NITE setpoint dial until setting agrees with
measured temperature.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using NITE calibration screw.
Remove Gage. Turn setpoint adjustment until setpoint
indicator reads desired room temperature.
Replace thermostat cover.
Cover Information
Installing Cover Inserts
Cover inserts are removable. Covers with setpoint scales ship
with setpoint slots open (without inserts). The DAY/AUTO
lever slot is open on all covers.
The following cover inserts are available for the setpoint and
DAY/AUTO lever slots at the bottom of the cover:
14004437-001 Insert (satin chrome finish) is used with
14004756-XXX Covers (satin chrome fmish).
14004437-002 Insert (beige plastic finish) is used with
14004757-XXX Covers (beige plastic finish).
Painting (Beige Plastic Covers Only)
Beige plastic covers can be painted with recommended paints
before or after cover installation.
Recommended Paints
a nonlatex paint is required use Rust-Oleum Enamel (a
fish-oil type enamel). No primer is needed.
If a latex paint is required, use one of the following as a
primer and follow with any latex wall paint:
Sears Anti-Rust Enamel (a soya-alkyd type enamel in a
spray can)
Value Tru-Test X-O Stain Primer/Sealer Stain
Killer XOS-1 White ( a white-pigmented, shellac
type primer)
Painting Procedure
1, Order the following equipment:
14004757-001 cover
14004437-002 Cover Insert (optional)
14004065-XXX or 14004066XXX Window from
Table 2
Table 2. Paintable Windows.