Wind direction
Rainfall amount with minimum and maximum memory
UV intensity with daily and weekly highs and lows
200 weather records without PC connection
PC software (included) and USB port
Operating range from 100 feet (30 meters) up to 328 feet (100 meters)
Light sensor detects low light conditions and LCD lights up automatically when
adapter is connected
Infrared remote control of all display functions
AC/DC adapter for automatic remote control
4 AA batteries
Battery installation
Open the battery compartment door on the back of the main unit.
Insert four (4) AA size batteries according to the polarities shown and replace the battery
compartment door.
Connect 7.5 V AC/DC adapter provided to the main display unit and plug into to the wall
power outlet.
The AC/DC adapter connection is required for automatic backlight control and a
handheld remote control functions. If the main unit operates solely on the battery
power, the auto backlight control and handheld remote control functions will be
When placing the main unit on the table or other horizontal surface, unfold the table
stand adjusting it to the desired viewing angle.
When mounting the main unit on the wall or vertical surface, fold the table stand back
into the unit and use the mounting hardware provided.
Make sure that the main unit is locating within the operating range of all remote weather
Ideally the remote weather sensors should be mounted within the line of sight of the main
Transmission range may be affected by trees, metal structures and electronic appliances.
Test reception before permanently mounting all the remote weather sensors.
Avoid placing the main unit in the following areas:
Direct sunlight and surfaces emitting and radiating heat, such as heating ducts or air
Areas with interference from the wireless devices (such as cordless phones, radio
headsets, baby listening devices) and electronic appliances.