Chapter 2 - Planning
The Dell Precision R5500 workstation is shipped with the following Dell motherboards.
Single Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.40 GHz minimum E5620 processor, 5.8GT/s QPI, 12MB shared L3
Cache (MZ-PCWS71)
Single Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.93GHz minimum X5647 processor, 5.8GT/s QPI, 12MB shared L3
Cache (MZ-PCWS72)
Workstation furniture option
The Honeywell-configured Dell Precision R5500 workstation can be mounted only in Honeywell
1000mm deep cabinets.
The Workstation platform is used for TPS and Experion nodes and must be rack mounted in a 1-meter
deep Honeywell equipment cabinet only, model number MP-C1MCB1. When mounted in a cabinet, the
enclosure uses 2U of space plus 1U of space for a blank front panel and air duct baffle, which must be
mounted directly above each R5500 Workstation.
When mounted in a cabinet, the enclosure is as displayed in the following image.
Electronics module
The electronics module consists of a Honeywell-configured Dell Precision R5500 workstation that can
be positioned horizontally. This workstation is mountable in Honeywell 1000 mm rack mount furniture.
The primary electronic module is always connected to the built-in keyboard (man-machine interface)
and the lower tier video display.
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