Thermostat mounting
Set fan operation switch.
Fan operation settings (TH3110D only)
1. Align the 4 tabs on the wallplate
with corresponding slots on the
back of the thermostat.
2. Push gently until the thermostat
snaps in place.
3. Push excess wire back into the
wall opening.
4. Plug wall opening with non-
flammable insulation.
Gas or Oil: For gas or oil heating
systems, leave the fan operation switch
in this factory-set position. (This setting
is for systems that control the fan in a
call for heat.)
Electric or Heat Pump: Change the
switch to this setting for heat pump or
electric heat systems. (This setting is
for systems that allow the thermostat to
control the fan in a call for heat, if a fan
wire is connected to the G terminal.)