Installing the MPA2 Panels
Panel Components and Descriptions
The following figure shows the typical wiring for a supervised and
non-supervised inputs.
Figure 3: Typical Supervised and Non- Supervised Input Wiring Diagram
Standard 2.2K ohm resistors will be used. The MPA2 panel accepts 1K,
2.2K, 4.7K, or 10K ohm values. Note that both resistors must have the same
In addition, the Reader tampers can be supervised and capable of being
used as additional inputs if the default functionality is not needed.
The wire used for the inputs cannot exceed 30 ohms over the entire length
of the cable. Remember that the distance from the panel to the door must
be doubled to determine the total resistance.
The system has not been verified for compliance with UL1076
Burglar Alarm units and systems.