Technical Support
Setup - Guide
- Page 17 of 18 -
Click the Browse button to locate a file on the local hard drive to upload..
Click Upload to load the file to the ICM. The file will show in the file list.
The bottom section of the page shows the files that are already present on the ICM.
The log file is a system file that contains the boot log. This file can be sent to
technical support as a troubleshooting aid. If you delete the log file, it will return the
next time the ICM is booted.
Figure 9 - Files
The Style and Devices entries show the total file space used by the style and devices
directories. The style directory contains the graphics that make up the skin (or look
and feel) of the web pages served by the ICM. The devices directory contains the
device specific drivers, web control pages and configuration pages.
You can delete the style and devices directories to make room to upload new style or
device files. If you do not load new style or devices files, the old files will be
restored when you save to flash or reboot the ICM.