AA-100/AA-120 Audio Amplifiers Installation/Operation Manual — P/N 9000-0573:C 03/12/2020
Terminals and Connectors
Section 5: Terminals and Connectors
Figure 5.1 illustrates the AA-100/AA-100E and AA-120/AA-120E terminals and connectors.
Figure 5.1 AA-100/AA-100E and AA-120/AA-120E Terminals and Connectors
Figure 5.2 Terminals and Connectors
U p p e r B o a rd
P 6
A A -120/A A -120E
H igh Level
A ud io O ut
70 V Transform er
(AA -100/A A -100 E only)
T rb l
T rb l
Com m on
s h ie ld
s h ie ld
A udio IN
from IN I-V G E
+ -
+ -
A A -120 /A A -120 E N o
C o n n ectio n , A A -100 /A A -
100 E H ig h L evel A u d io O u t
(70 .7 V )
L o w e r B o a rd
E arth
70.7 V
O utput
H igh Level
A udio O ut (25 V
Hig h L evel Au dio R eturn
(4-w ire m od e requ ired
fo r A A-100/A A -100E )
(25 V
(A A -100/A A -100E
no con nectio n)
s h ld
S eco n d ary (D C ) P o w er
B attery
P rim ary (A C ) P o w er
B attery
E a rth
A C H o t
A C Neutral
E arth
A udio
The low-level input and high-level output "P" connectors are primarily used for in-cabinet
applications where the wiring to or from the amplifier remains in the same cabinet. For "multiple-
cabinet" applications, hardwire the systems using Terminal blocks P3 and P8. When more than
one cabinet is required, cabinets must be mounted adjacent to each other and all interconnecting
wiring must be installed in conduit.
Cut resistor R100 to enable high-level audio output wiring supervision in four-wire mode.
Output supervision is always required in the AA-100/AA-100E. This option is only required in the
AA-120/AA-120E when output wiring leaves the cabinet.
If the amplifier is being used in stand-alone mode where the backup high/low or slow
whoop tone generator is being used, R107 must be cut to prevent the amplifier from generating a
trouble condition. The amplifier will indicate trouble within 90 seconds.
Use of the ACT-1/ACT-4 Audio Coupling Transformer is recommended.
C u t R 1 0 0 to e n a b le
4 -w ire o u tp u t
s u p e rv is io n .
C u t R 1 0 7 to e n a b le
s ta n d -a lo n e o p e ra tio n .
S W 1
R 1 0 0