This air cleaner is equipped with Intelli-Check™ Filter Monitors to serve as a
convenient guideline for checking and replacement of the pre-filter and HEPA filter
based on the air cleaner’s hours of use. The monitors have the ability to indicate the
amount of expected filter life used. Once a filter has reached the end of its expected
life, its light will remain on until it is RESET. You may unplug the air cleaner without
interrupting the filter monitors.
The Intelli-Check
Filter Monitors will indicate replacement of the Pre-filter and the
HEPA filter. Depending upon your individual usage (environment and hours used),
you may need to check and replace the filters more or less frequently.
To CHECK Expected Filter Life Usage
When the unit is turned on, quickly press the appropriate filter monitor button. The
pre-filter light will flash up to 3 times and the HEPA filter light will flash up to 4 times,
depending upon how much expected filter life has been used.
1 flash
from new, up to 1/3 expected life used up
2 flashes
between 1/3 and 2/3 expected life used up
3 flashes
between 2/3 and all of expected life used up
Remains on =
time to check/replace pre-filter
1 flash
from new, up to 1/4 expected life used up
2 flashes
between 1/4 and 1/2 expected life used up
3 flashes
between 1/2 and 3/4 expected life used up
4 flashes
between 3/4 and all of expected life used up
Remains on =
time to check/replace HEPA filter
To RESET Filter Monitor
When the filter monitor light remains on, it is time to check/replace the filter and reset
the filter monitor, if needed. With the unit powered on, press and hold the appropriate
filter monitor button down for approximately 5 seconds until the light turns off.
Depending upon your individual usage (environment and hours used), you may need
to check and replace the filters more or less frequently.
Intelli-Check™ Filter Monitors
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