KCS 55/55A
Rev 11, Apr/2007
©Honeywell International Inc. Do not print without express permission of Honeywell
Page 3-3
If the KI 525 input power warning flag appears, the compass system has experienced a power fail-
ure and the card indications are in error. Remove power from the KG 102; the lateral deviation
bar and the To-From indicator will remain in operation.
If the KI 525A HDG flag appears in view after the system has been operating or will not go out of
view after initial power up, one of the following conditions exists and the compass information will
not be reliable:
The gyro on the KG 102A is not running above 50% of its normal speed.
The system has not rotated to the magnetic heading and switched out of fast slave
on initial power up.
The power supply in the KG 102A is not functioning properly.
KG 102A (060-0015-02). Tumble detection circuit has detected gyro tumble con-
ditions - reverting the system back into fast slave mode to correct the error. Once
the system has re-acquired proper display information by matching earth’s magnet-
ic field, the system will revert back to slow slave mode, i.e. normal operation.
A continuous large deflection of the slaving meter or large discrepancies between the magnetic
compass and the KI 525/525A compass card may indicate a failure in the slaving system and may
not necessarily be annunciated by the HDG flag. If a slaving failure should occur the SLAVE IN
button on the KA 51/51A/51B should be returned to its outer position. The system will now be in
the free gyro mode. By depressing the clockwise or counterclockwise button (toggle switch on the
KA 51B) on the KA 51/51A the compass dial can be repositioned to the correct heading. The KCS
55/55A will continue to function normally except the heading information will be solely derived from
the KG 102/102A Gyro, there will be no magnetic correction from the KMT 112.
If the KI 525/525A NAV flag appears the navigation equipment is off, improperly tuned, or malfunc-
tioning. If possible switch to another navigation receiver. The compass card on the KI 525/525A
will continue to display the aircraft heading.
If the KI 525/525A glideslope pointer remains out of view during ILS operation the glideslope trans-
mitter or the aircraft glideslope receiver is malfunctioning. If possible switch to another glideslope
receiver. The localizer and heading displays will continue to function normally.