Windshield Washers, Transmission Oil
The windshield washer reservoir is
located behind the left headlight.
Check the reservoir's fluid level by
removing the cap and looking at
the float. It should be up to the top
of the neck. If the float is at the
bottom of the neck, the reservoir is
nearly empty.
Fill the reservoir with a good-
quality windshield washer fluid.
This increases the cleaning
capability and prevents freezing in
cold weather.
Do not use engine antifreeze or a
vinegar/water solution in the
windshield washer reservoir.
Antifreeze can damage your car's
paint, while a vinegar/water
solution can damage the windshield
washer pump.
Use only commercially-available
windshield washer fluid.
Transmission Oil
Automatic Transmission
Check the fluid level with the
engine at normal operating tempe-
1. Park the car on level ground.
Shut off the engine.
2. Remove the dipstick (yellow
loop) from the transmission and
wipe it with a clean cloth.
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