WARNING: This system/device must be set by the professional plumber to ensure
safe, maximum temperature. Any change in the se�ng may raise the discharge
temperature above the limit considered safe and may lead to hot water burns.
WARNING:This pressure balanced valve is designed to minimize the effects of
outlet water temperature changes due to inlet pressure changes, commonly caused
by dishwashers, washing machines, toilets and the like. It may not provide protec
�on from hot water burns when there is a failure of other temperature controlling
devices elsewhere in the plumbing system, if the rota�onal limit stop or tempera
ture knob is not properly set or if the hot water temperature is changed a�er the
se�ngs are made or if the water inlet changes due to seasonal changes. Do not
install a shut-off device on either outlet of this valve. When this type of device shuts
off the water flow, it can defeat the ability of the valve to balance the hot and cold
water pressures and could increase the risk of a burn injury.
NOTICE TO INSTALLER: CAUTION!–As the installer of this valve, it is your responsi
bility to properly INSTALL and ADJUST this valve per the instruc�ons given. This valve
does not automa�cally adjust for inlet temperature changes, therefore, someone
must make the necessary Rota�onal Limit Stop or temperature knob adjustments at
the �me of installa�on and further adjustments may be necessary due to seasonal
water temperature change. YOU MUST inform the owner/user of this requirement
by following the instruc�ons. If you or the owner/user are unsure how to properly
make these adjustments, please email us [email protected].
A�er installa�on and adjustment, you must affix your name, company name and the
date you adjusted the Rota�onal Limit Stop or temperature knob to the cau�on
label provided and apply or a�ach the label to the back side of the closest cabinet
door and the warning label to the water heater. Leave this Instruc�on Sheet for the
owner’s/user’s reference.