Controller Management "Actions" Menu
Adding A2Z‐Link to Existing Z‐Wave Installations
If the site already has an existing Z‐Wave network a decision will need to be made.
1. If the devices were added using a simple handheld controller, or if the devices were added using a controller that will no longer be used, you
should consider establishing a new network with the A2Z‐Link. This will allow the A2Z‐Link to function as the primary Z‐Wave controller and
you'll have many more Z‐Wave management options available going forward ﴾including replication and optimization functions﴿. To do this,
you'll need to reset ﴾remove﴿ all nodes from the existing network and then establish a new network using A2Z‐Link. Follow the procedure
outlined above.
2. If the existing controller is to remain and ﴾a﴿ you wish to keep it as a primary controller or ﴾b﴿ it cannot function as a secondary controller, then
A2Z‐Link can be added to your existing network as a secondary controller. To make the A2Z‐Link a secondary, the primary controller needs to
be put in Replication Send mode, then select "Receive Network from another Controller" from the Controller Management "Actions" menu in
the A2Z‐Link web interface. Progress information will be displayed. Note that A2Z‐Link cannot perform replication or optimization ﴾healing﴿
functions when operating as a secondary controller.
See also
4 . Getting Started