Skin Sensitivity Test
Before using the system for the first time, choose a small area close to the area you
intend to treat, for the purpose of performing a skin sensitivity test. Follow the treatment
instructions below. After the skin test, wait 30 minutes and check your skin for any
reaction. If the skin appears normal and there is no redness or other skin reaction, then
you are ready to perform a full treatment to the rest of the body area. Choose the elōs
setting that did not result in any reaction when performing a complete treatment.
Step 1: Shave or remove with an epilator any visible hair in the area you want to treat.
For your convenience, you can use the mē epilator or shaver accessories to remove
hair (sold separately). If you do so, there is no need for preparations before the
treatment, only make sure the hair is no longer than 0.5 cm. Remove the protective
cap, and insert the epilator or shaver cartridge instead.
If you do not use the designated mē system shaver or epilator, shave any hairs with
a razor or electric shaver. Shaving hair in the treatment areas should minimize the
discomfort felt from the flashes.
Make sure that the protective cap (provided) is inserted. The system will not work if the
protective cap or epilator/shaver accessory is not in place.
Note: In order to treat blond, grey, red and light brown hair, it is recommended to use the epilator
along with the elōs cartridge, for better results.
Step 2: Clean your skin and dry it with a towel.
Step 3: Turn on the mē system. Select the Low energy level setting. The device will not
work if you do not select an elōs setting.
If there is little or no discomfort or reaction (except for slight redness), then raise the
energy level to the Medium or High setting.
Step 4: If you also use the designated shaver/ epilator, press the epilator/shaver
activation button on the control panel once to run the epilator mechanism at low
speed. If desired, press it again to run the epilator at high speed. The shaver cartridge
operates only at Speed level 1.