Drill chimney mounting bracket holes
Drill all mounting holes marked in the prior step.
Install the mounting bracket using the provided
hardware. Do not mount the chimneys and
extensions until after step 9.
Install the duct, connect power and test
Install the duct onto the household ducting first
and then allow the duct to extend downward.
Allow about 6 inches of extra ducting passes
the duct mounting surface of the range hood
and cut off any excess. Connect the flexible
duct onto the ducting of the range hood. Only
use certified duct tapes, adhesives, fixtures or
hardware for all ducting installation as permitted
by local codes.
Connect power:
Install the power plug into a
certified electrical socket. Ensure any excess
wiring is tied together or tucked away and power
is turned off while installing.
Check that the area is free from debris,
then test the functions of the range hood. It is
recommended to test the hood before and after
ducting is installed. After testing turn the power
off before continuing.
Install the chimneys
Fasten the upper chimney onto the upper
chimney mounting bracket using the supplied
hardware. Then hang the lower chimney onto
the lower chimney mounting bracket.
Install the lower chimney by flexing the chimney
apart, wrapping it over the upper chimney, and
then align the edges so that it hooks onto the
lower chimney mounting bracket.
Install the filters
To install the filters, position the filters in the
correct direction with the latch facing down and
angle the rear section (end without the latch)
into position, hooking the hanging tabs of the
filter into the correct spaces of the range hood.
Continue to push and pivot the filter upward and
press the latch until it fits into place. Release
the latch again and push the latch end of the
filter upward. Test that the filters are in place
by slowly moving your hands away, if it does not
move, the filter is installed correctly.
Clean the range hood
After installing there will be fingerprints on your
range hood. Use a soft cloth and warm water
to clean the range hood. For tougher spots, use
warm water and a mild soap. Lightly wipe away
any left over water or moisture.
Fasten mounting
Slide up and secure
upper chimney to
mounting bracket
Hold in position and
secure lower chimney
to range hood