44 | EngliSH
Installation information
Caution! The following measures will achieve a safe-
ty level of SIL2, as ignition monitoring measure for
prevention of the coming into effect of a potential
source of ignition, for normal operation of the equip-
ment for the equipment group II and Category II. (ap-
plies only for units with AM303; AM376; AM421 mo-
tors) THE OPERATOR OF THE PLANT must obtain for
the adherence to the ignition protection an own inde-
pendent installation consisting of a combination of
an electro-mechanical actuating system (level regu-
lation) in order to guarantee the required minimum
coverage of the pump hydraulics of at least 0.2 m.The
level safety system must verify a safety integrity level
Before first start-up of the equipment, the level re-
gulation is to be tested as a safety system SIL2 and
approved for function and accuracy according to
the setting parameters. The control of the plant is
to be arranged such that an automatic repeat swit-
ching-on lock after a switch-off of the equipment via
the level regulation, automatically sets the automatic
switching-on of the plant out of action. Only after
successful finding and repairing the error may the
plant be manually put into operation again.
The optical and acoustic warning messages of the
level regulation must be designed according to ergo-
nomic principles and provided unmistakable and cle-
ar information to the operator so that the necessary
measures for avoiding
potential sources of ignition
can be initiated with a high degree of safety.
Caution! The function and effectiveness of the leveli-
ng adjustment must be monitored at regular interva-
ls. A complete inspection must be carried out at last
every 3 months!
submersible motor series AM ....../...EX
are cooled
by means of the pumping medium and are suited for con-
tinuous operation S1 with fully covered motor. The motor
part must be fully submerged in order to prevent the sur-
face temperature rising above the temperature classifica-
tion stated on the rating plate. However, with tight pump
shafts, a time of max 10 min can elapse until a level of 0.2
m over the pump part is emptied.
submersible motor series AM ....../...UEX
is cooled
by means of a by-pass part flow of the pumping medi-
um. Here, too, the pump part must be fully submerged
in order that the surface temperature does not rise above
the temperature classification stated on the rating plate.
The connection of free ends of the power cable may only
be carried out inside the potentially explosive areas by
means of suitable ex-tested and certified terminal boxes.
No certified terminal boxes need be used outside of po-
tentially explosive areas. A connection with minimum 4
mm2 must be installed to the submersible motor pumps
for the potential equalization according to EN 60079-14.
The cable is connected to this by means of lugs and screw
security of the connection must not be self-loosening. All
existing thermal, level and detector sensors must connec-
ted according to the instructions of this manual and the
accompanying circuit diagram.
Special conditions for safe operation
For the converter operation it is necessary to have an ar-
rangement for direct temperature monitoring. This con-
sists of a PT thermistor built into the coil according to DIN
44 082 with switching temperature according to Table 1
and a function-tested triggering device according to RL
94/9/EG. The switching is to be designed such that when
reaching the limiting temperature, the submersible motor
is switched off and a renewed start-up of the submersib-
le motor is only possible manually! When checking the
gaps of the pressure-tight enclosed motor, it is absolutely
necessary to contact the manufacturer of the submer-
sible motor in order to obtain the gap dimensions.
gap of the tested submersible motor is less than that
prescribed by the standards.
The fastening bolts of the motor are special bolts of
stainless steel type A2-70.
8.5 Installation and start-up of explosion-protected
submersible motors
General information
Caution! Before starting any activity at the site of the
equipment, it is important to obtain knowledge on the
status of the danger of explosion from the user. The
danger potential can be estimated on the basis of of-
ficial zone allocation or an existing explosion protec-
tion document. Possibly a comparison should be
made between the ex-ignition type of the equipment
and the given requirements. In the case of enclosed
spaces of shafts, sufficient ventilation must be ensu-
red before starting work in order to thus prevent the
existence of explosive gases.
HOMA explosion-protected equipment must only be
used in areas (potentially explosive atmospheres)
which are applicable for their declared equipment
group II and category 2G, as well as maximum sur-
face temperature of 135°C for temperature classifi-
cation T4 (for frequency converters operation 200°C
for temperature classification T3) in accordance with
IEC 60079-0 for gases and explosion groups A and B.
Installation information for the electrical part
Caution! It is absolutely necessary that, in addition to
this instruction manual, attention is also paid to the
information in the EU type examination certificate in
the Appendix as is mentioned here again.
8.5.1. Electrical connection
The connection of the power cables may only be carried
out inside the potentially explosive areas by means of sui-
table ex-tested and certified terminal boxes.
8.5.2. Monitoring arrangements
Additional and monitoring arrangements with suitable ve-
rification and explosion protection labeling are to be selec-
ted according to the conditions at site. Monitoring units
must satisfy the requirements of the ATEX 100a, Appen-
dix II, Sections 1.5.5 and EN 1127-1 (potentially explosive
atmospheres - Explosion protection - Part 1: Fundamen-
tals and methods).
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