P a g e
Installation Guide
The Atlatl Mini is small enough to install almost anywhere on your quad that you find convenient.
Typically it would be mounted using double-sided tape, and possibly a zip tie to hold it securely.
Although the Atlatl
’s MMCX connector is quite durable,
we strongly recommend securing the antenna to
the frame
so that the Atlatl won’t be damaged if the antenna is tugged on in a crash.
There are various
ways to do this, including 3D printed parts, or even just zip-tying the pigtail to a standoff.
Wiring up the Atlatl is not complicated.
Solder the red wire from the 5v pad to the voltage source for the Atlatl. The Atlatl requires 4.5v
to 5.5v voltage (nominal 5v). You must run the Atlatl from a 5v power supply such as the voltage
regulator of your flight controller or ESC. If you connect the Atlatl to a higher voltage supply, it
will be damaged or destroyed.
Solder the black wire from the G pad to a ground pad on the flight controller. Video noise will be
zed if you solder your Atlatl ground wire and your FPV camera’s ground wire to the same
pad. Twist them together and tin them before soldering them both to the same pad.
Connect the yellow wire from the VI pad to the video signal wire of your FPV camera. The
camera’s video wire will usually be yellow as well. You can directly solder the two wires
together, or you might have a PDB or FC with a “Video In” and “Video Out” pad. In that case,
solder the camera’s video wire to “Video In” and the Atlatl’s video wire to “Video Out”.
The Atlatl can be remote-controlled using TBS SmartAudio protocol. This is the recommended
use of the Atlatl. To use this feature, solder the blue wire to from the T pad of the Atlatl to the
TX pad of the UART on your flight controller that will be used for this feature.
See your FC’s
documentation for help deciding which UART to use.
In Betaflight or Cleanflight, go to the Ports tab. Enable TBS SmartAudio protocol on the UART
that you are using to remote-control the Atlatl (the UART whose TX pad you soldered the blue
wire to). Do not enable any other function on this UART. Each UART must have only one
function active at a time.