D. Installing The Fittings
The Holman Misting System features “compression fittings”.
These fittings feature a compression ring that grips the tube and prevents it coming
loose or leaking water.
The higher the pressure the better the compression fittings hold onto the tube.
To ensure a good joint, the tube must be cut “square” and “burr free”.
The best way to achieve this result is to use the Holman misting tube cutter.
This ensures a clean square cut. It is also very quick to use.
(Holman Misting Tube Cutter sold separately - Product Code: MS20011)
Once the tube is cut the compression fitting is very simply installed.
• Bring the 2 parts together, level and straight.
• Push the tube in while twisting the fitting a little.
• The tube should enter the fitting at least 10mm. Once tubing is installed it cannot
be removed from the elbow, tee or joiner.
C. Positioning Misting Jets
Factors to consider are: -
• Spacing of jets.
• Location of jets over tables or chairs.
• How many jets in a particular area.
There are no fixed rules to how you position the jets.
The more jets you have, the more water you will use and potentially the cooler
the space will become.
However, too much water can be a problem because the air can become saturated
and even wet the people and objects in the space.
Holman recommend the following:
• Space jets between 600mm and 1 metre apart.
• Locate jets away from tables and sitting areas if possible.
• Try and create a curtain of mist at least on two sides of the area being cooled.
• Install a Holman misting timer. This will allow you to regulate the amount of water
entering a space by adjusting the “ON” times and “OFF” times of the timer. You
would have more “ON” time on a hot dry day than a cooler moister day.
The HOLMAN misting timer allows you to make these settings in seconds, where
other timers may not have this feature.
(Fig. 8)
Spacing 600mm to 1 metre for
effective coverage of chosen area
(Misting Jet)
(Misting Jet)
(Misting Tube)
Tube pushed 10mm
into each fitting
(Fig. 7)
(Misting Jet)
(Misting Jet)
(Misting Tube)
Misting System Assembly & Installation
Misting System Assembly & Installation