quality strength training equipment since 1977
1. Sit upright with your back supported by the back pad.
2. Make sure the press handles are in the unlocked Position.
3. Adjust the back pad to the desired beginning stretch.
4. Hold chest press handles at chest height, adjust seat if
5. Press handles forward and down until arms are fully
6. Slowly bring arms back to the starting position.
1. Sit upright with your back supported by the back pad.
2. Make sure the press handles are in the unlocked position.
3. Adjust the back pad to the desired beginning stretch.
4. Hold chest press handles at shoulder height, adjust seat if
5. Pull handles forward and in until hands come together.
6. Slowly bring arms back to the starting position.
1. Adjust pec arms for comfortable pre-stretch.
2. Rest forearms and elbows against roller pads.
3. Push roller pads forward with your elbows, allowing them to
touch in front of the chest.
4. Hold contracted position briefly then slowly let arms return to
starting position.
Note: performed on Pec Station using handgrips
1. Adjust the back pad into the neutral position as shown.
2. Sit upright with your back supported by the back pad.
3. Pull handles forward and in until hands come together.
4. Slowly return to the starting position.
1. Sit upright with your back supported by the back pad.
2. Make sure the press handles are in the unlocked position.
3. Adjust the back pad to the desired beginning stretch.
4. Hold chest press handles at shoulder height, adjust seat if