Before you start to “clean up” the wiring,
please MAKE SURE to route the amplifiers wires
(blue/silver) that go to the brake side of the bike on
top of the amp, but as close to the inner fairing as
you can. This is the best time to take a few minutes
to “clean up” the wiring and secure using supplied
zip-ties. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any of
the blue/silver wires be zip tied to any factory
antenna cables anywhere on the bike.
installat i on t i p
Step #4: Attach the amp’s red wire to the positive (+) battery terminal and the
amp’s brown wire to the negative (-) battery terminal. The factory battery
wires are also re-installed at this point. When attaching the power and
ground wires, it is always a good practice to do the negative first.
When the positive connector touches the battery, some sparking is
normal. This is a function of the capacitors in the amplifier charging up.
Step #5: Turn the stereo on and, at low volume, test to make sure all four speakers
are working. Note: if you have not had your radio reflashed yet, the
overall volume will be much lower than it will with the correct flash
Step #6: Re-install the seat making sure the amplifier’s “+” and “-” connectors are
positioned in such away so they will not bend or break when the rider’s
weight is on the seat.
This is the best time to take a few minutes to “clean up” the wiring
and secure using supplied zip-ties. You should also secure the large
factory connector that was originally plugged into your factory amplifier.