Step #1: On the side of the factory amplifier, you will see a large multi-pin
connector that needs to be unplugged from the amplifier. Remove the
factory amplifier and its mounting plate from the bike. In your kit’s box,
you will see a large multi-pin connector in a small plastic box. Plug this
into the mating plug that was just removed from the factory amplifier.
You will also see a mechanical locking barb on the connector. Please
make sure the lock is properly in place to insure a correct connection.
Let this all hang for now.
Step #2: As the amplifiers come in the box, they are “stuck” to a mounting plate
for use in FLH model bikes. “Peel” the amps off the plate. Take the plate
and place it on top of the radio oriented so the tab with the hole in it is
closest to the back of the radio (closest to you). Locate and install one
of the supplied “star” washers on each factory screw and re-install the
screw/washer through the new plate, through the factory black plate
and into the top of the radio.
A m pl i f i E R i nSt AllA tio n
section 3
In this install we refer to one amp as the “Master” and the other
amp as the “Slave”. The Master always has the main input
harness go into it, and is always the amp that powers the
front fairing speakers. When installed, the amp on the left
(brake side) of the bike is the Master amplifier.