Step #4: The orange wire is the “remote turn on lead” and tells the amp to turn
on whenever it sees +12v (.5 amp min.). Unplug the factory orange
center wire (+) on the cigarette lighter. Plug the orange lead from the
amplifier directly onto the lighter using the female connector. Plug the
factory lighter wire to the male “take off” connector which is part of the
amp’s orange turn on lead.
Step# 5: On the brake side of the bike, in front of the gas tank, on the side of
the frames backbone, you will see a rectangular opening where a large
wire harness (and throttle/idle cables on 98-07 bikes) pass through
from the fairing side of the bike. The red and black wires for the amp
will pass from the fairing side through the large opening under the radio
and through the rectangular opening.
“Fishing” a small piece of wire through this opening first, taping the
red and black wires to the fish and then using the fish to feed the wires
through may reduce install time! Loosen the tank console and run wires
up and over the gas tank, but under the tank console. There is a provi-
sion on the front of the tank console for wires to pass. Secure the
amplifiers harness to the bikes factory harness’ using zip ties.
Step# 6: Attach the red wire to the positive (+) battery terminal and the black
wire to the negative (-) battery terminal. The factory battery wires are
also re-installed at this point. Secure the amplifiers wire harness to the
bike’s factory harness along the frame and behind the tank using
supplied zip ties.
Please run the power harness as per the manual.
Sometimes people assume they know more than us
and wire amplifier power to the headlight wires or
other places. Not only will your friends laugh at you,
but you will be calling us for technical support.
Please save us all from the grief and phone call!
Step# 7: Turn the bikes ignition to the “ACC” position and turn the radio on at
low volume making sure the system is working. Using supplied zip ties,
“clean up” the wiring inside the fairing. You will see a large wire
harness right under the back of the radio that sits just behind the “hooks”
that the outer fairing clips onto. You should zip tie any Hogtunes wire to
this main harness so that no wires are in the way of these hooks.
Otherwise the outer fairing will not go on and, like Step #1 in this
manual, expletives will be kept to a minimum.