Step #1: Remove the seat and both wires (+ and -) from the battery.
Step #2: Remove the outer fairing/headlamp assembly and set it aside. Refer to
a service manual if you need help with this. NOTE: A towel on the front
fender can help prevent scratches or “dings” from dropped tools or
fasteners etc. Expletives will also be kept to a minimum!
Step #3: On the brake side, inside of the of the inner fairing, you will see a
wire “strap” that secures a 3-wire harness (black, blue and brown) to
the bike. Take the wire out of this strap and let it hang. The “A” arrow
in Figure 1.1 is where a larger factory “Molex” plug is secured to the
bike (if present). Pull down on this Molex to unclip it from the frame and
let it hang for now. NOTE: Newer model bikes have this Molex located
Using a small flat head
screwdriver, locate and
adjust the 3 position
switch on the end of
the amplifier to the
“+3” position.
The “B” and “C” arrows in
Figure 1.1 show the nuts
that need to be removed on
the brake side of the bike so
the steel plate and amp can be
mounted using these 2 main
studs. Once the plate is on,
re-install these nuts to factory
torque specifications. The Molex
that was removed from the frame
(arrow “A”) can be re-secured to
other wire harnesses using supplied zip ties (if Molex is present).
Step #4: Unplug the factory wires at each front speaker. Locate and remove the
3 torx head screws and single speed nut that holds each speaker grill
to the bike. The speakers and grills will come away from the inner
fairing as one unit.
Figure 1.1
Amplifier correctly
positioned on bike.