Step #4:
Figure 1.2
shown here.
Step #5: Also in Fig 1.2 is a white square which shows a smaller black 2 pin
factory plug. The orange wire from the amp has a plug that goes
directly into this factory harness. On the factory plug we are describing,
there maybe a factory plug with no wires already installed into it which
will have to be removed. The factory wire colors going into the plug
are purple/blue stripe and black and can be see under the factory
sheathing. The orange wire is the amplifier’s “turn on” lead and tells the
amp to turn on/off with the bike’s ignition. The amplifier will not turn on
if this wire is not hooked up to this (or any) switched B+ source!
Step #6: On the amp, you will see a wire sheath containing blue/black and
green/black wires with two plugs. The plug with the blue/black wires
will install into the factory plug that goes directly into the brake side
speaker cabinet. The plug with green/black wires will install into the
factory connector that originally plugged directly into the brake side
speaker cabinet (has pink/pink with black stripe wires).
Step #7: On the amp, you will see a second sheath with brown/black and
yellow/black wires and two plugs. The plug with the brown/black wires
will install into the factory plug that goes directly into the clutch side
speaker cabinet. The plug with yellow/black wires will install into the
factory connector that originally plugged directly into the clutch side
speaker cabinet (has pink/pink with black stripe wires).
Figure 1.2 - Amplifier and mounting plate
correctly oriented. The plate with four small
holes is for mounting a popular Harley
accessory. The white circles show tabs which
are there for the “Christmas Tree” fasteners to
re-secure the harnesses lifted earlier.