nca 450-RM aMplIFIeR
InStallatIon InStRuctIonS
Step #1: Over top of the radio, pull up to release each wire harness from the
black plate via the factory “Christmas Tree” fasteners. If your bike has
factory GPS, the small square antenna will need to be relocated just
behind the voltmeter as shown in Fig 1.1 below. Remove the four factory
T-20 “Torx” screws that go through the top of the black plate and into
the top of the radio.
Step #2:
Step #3: The amplifier comes pre-mounted to a silver mounting plate. Locate and
remove the four screws (2 per side) that attach the amp to the silver plate.
Put these screws (just removed) and the amplifier aside for now.
Step #4: Sit the supplied silver plate on top of the radio so it is oriented as shown
in Fig 1.2 on the next page. Locate one of the supplied “star” washers
on each factory screw and re-install the screw/washer through the silver
plate, through the factory black plate and into the top of the radio. Locate
the main power harness and plug it into the matching “pig-tail” on the
side of the amp. The rear wire harness is the longest in your kit. Locate
this harness and plug the one end into the mating 8 pin pigtail coming
out of the amp. Sit the amp on top of the silver plate so when standing
in front of the bike you can read the Hogtunes logo on top of the amp.
On the side of the amp, you will see a switch labeled “fader/no fader.”
Make sure this switch is on “fader.” Re-install the amp to the plate using
the four screws removed earlier.
Figure 1.1 - The white
circle shows the new
location for GPS
Antenna if your bike
came factory equipped
with this feature.