General Terms of Warranty
1. Within the 36-month term of Warranty (starting on the date of sale entered in
the duly completed warranty card), the Guarantor shall, at to its discretion::
Repair the product free of charge;
Replace the product with a new one at the point of purchase;
c) Return the price of the product to the User.
In each of the foregoing cases, the Guarantor shall keep the damaged/faulty
product or parts, including those replaced the sake of the User’s safety.
2. A faulty/damaged product means a product failing to provide the features
described in the User’s Guide due to internal properties of the device.
3. The User may return the faulty product to the Service, in which case the User
shall present the duly completed warranty card and, describe the fault with its
symptoms in as much detail as possible.
4. A warranty sheet without the dealer’s seal, date of purchase or signature of
the dealer is invalid.
5. The warranty excludes products with any physical damage not attributable to
the manufacturer or distributor, including specifically any damage resulting
from misuse or accident.
6. The warranty excludes products deprived of their tamper-proof seals, unless
removed by authorized Service personnel.
7. The Service shall attempt to complete the repair within 21 days or, where out
of stock spare parts are required for the repair, within 1 month.
8. To facilitate repair, the product should be returned to the Service complete
with all the original components.
9. This Warranty for the consumer product shall not exclude, limit or suspend any
rights of the Buyer related to the product’s non-conformity with the contract of
sale/purchase in the meaning of the Polish Civil Code of 23/04/1964 (Journal
of Laws 121/2014).
10. This Warranty is valid within the territory of Poland.
Warranty card
1. Seal: .................................................................................
2. Date sold: .........................................................................
3. Signature: .........................................................................
4. Product name: ...................................................................
5. Product model: ..................................................................
6. Product serial or lot number: ..............................................