9.2. Installation in Saw-tooth type ceilings
In installations where there is a saw-tooth shape to the ceiling the detectors should be
mounted with the axis either in condition A or condition B according to Figure 15. If the
height of the ceiling 'a' is greater than 0.2'H' do not install with the axis according to line
Figure 15 Installation in saw-tooth shaped roofs
9.3. Installation in circular type ceilings
The installation in a cylindrical or circular roofed building should be in accordance with. In
the case of the cylindrical roof position A or B for the detector's axis is acceptable.
Figure 16 Installation in circular shaped ceilings
9.4. Installation in sloped ceilings
The installation for a sloped type roof or ceiling will be as shown in Figure 17. Either
position A or B is acceptable for installation of the SPC-24.