Step 11
Hand Launch
1. On first flights, have an experienced second
person (adult recommended) launch the Aerobird
while the pilot controls with the
transmitter. Adult assistance is always recom-
mended with pilots 14 years of age or younger.
2. Make sure the battery is fully charged.
3. While holding transmitter in one hand, push
throttle slider to full on (up) with thumb.
4. Take a couple of steps and launch the model
directly into the wind. Keep the wings level.
Launch firmly. Do not throw it up or down.
Point it level (parallel) with the ground when
releasing. Think of it as a javelin that you are
throwing 20 feet away.
Keep the spinning propeller away from your hair,
head and hands or injury may occur.
Step 12
Safety First!!
Runway Takeoff
(Not recommended for inexperienced pilots)
1. Stand behind the Aerobird Xtreme™ and point it
directly into the wind on smooth asphalt or concrete.
2. Apply full power and adjust the right control
stick as necessary to keep the Aerobird Xtreme
headed directly into the wind.
3. If battery is fully charged, your Aerobird Xtreme
should lift off the ground in approximately 35 feet.
Apply some UP elevator by pulling the stick back,
and the plane will lift off the ground in a
shorter distance.
5723_HBZ Aerobird X manual 12/15/03 1:55 PM Page 16