Step 10
Hand Launch
1. On first flights, have a second person
(adult recommended) launch the Aerobird
while the pilot controls with the
transmitter. Adult assistance is always recom-
mended with pilots 12 years of age or younger.
2. Make sure the battery is fully charged.
3. While holding transmitter in one hand, push
throttle slider to full on (up) with thumb.
4. Take a couple of steps and launch the model
directly into the wind. Keep the wings level.
Use medium force. Do not throw it up or down.
Point it level (parallel) with the ground when
releasing. Think of it as a javelin that you are
throwing 20 feet away.
WATCH OUT! Keep the spinning propeller away
from your hair, head and hands or injury may
IMPORTANT: Before launching, determine the
wind direction by watching which way the red
transmitter ribbon is blowing.
Step 11
Seek Assistance from an Experienced
Radio Control Pilot
The 3-channel control system is designed for the experienced
radio control pilot and is not intended for the first time flyer. If
you can successfully fly the HobbyZone
Firebird Outlaw
, Firebird II
, Firebird XL
, or Firebird Commander
then you should be ready for the Aerobird Challenger
. The
Aerobird Challenger can be controlled in a similar manner as
a 2-channel plane, such as the Firebird, Firebird II, or Firebird
XL, by simply limiting control stick movements to the left or
the right and using the throttle to ascend or descend.
However, first-time pilots of the Aerobird Challenger should
seek the assistance of an experienced RC flyer until the addi-
tional third channel, pitch control has been competently
mastered. Crash damage is not covered under the warranty.
The flying characteristics of the Aerobird Challenger should
not be altered for your first flights. Once you are comfortable
flying the plane in the standard configuration, i.e. the out-of-
the-box configuration, only then should you attempt to change
the flying characteristics of the Aerobird Challenger by
changing hole positions in the control horns and adding
wing streamers.
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