Step 19
Step 19
Multi Mode Flight Control System
Pro Mode
Pro Mode turns off Flight-Trak
, and changes the tail
controls into a standard V-tail mixer. In this mode,
steering input moves one control surface up, and the
other one down. This causes a more pure yaw con-
trol. The plane will not tend to keep its nose up or
climb when steering is input. Secondly, Pro Mode
increases the control throws all of the time. This
allows for faster and more aggressive response.
Experienced pilots doing aerobatics and pilots
engaging in aerial combat with the Sonic Combat
Module will appreciate this mode. It is easier to keep
the nose down and the speed up in this mode, and
crossing over onto an opponents tail is much faster.
Be careful as you get used to this mode! The
response is quite different. Spend some time at a
higher altitude at first.
Entering Pro Mode
1. Move the throttle slider down to the Off position.
2. Make sure the flight battery has been unplugged
from the plane for several seconds and that the
transmitter is off.
3. Plug the battery into the plane. (Keep head away
from propeller.)
4. Push the control stick forward (DOWN elevator)
and hold it there. Turn the transmitter power on,
and after about 2 seconds, release the control
stick. You are now in Pro Mode.
Confirm Pro Mode
1. Move the control stick directly to the right.
2. If the left surface moves up and the right surface
moves down, you are in Pro Mode. (If left surface
moves up and the right surface stays level, you
are in Sport Mode. Disconnect the battery
and turn the transmitter off and try again.)
Note: The system is reset each time you disconnect
the flight battery. If you do not follow the steps to
enter Pro Mode, the system defaults to Sport Mode.
Multi Mode Flight Control System
The Aerobird Challenger includes two
ways to fly. The mode is selected by the
way you “boot up” the system each time
you plug in a flight battery.
Sport Mode
Sport Mode is the default mode. It offer HobbyZone’s
system with the addition of pitch control.
In this mode, steering input only raises one of the
control surfaces. This movement is similar to a mix of
steering plus UP elevator.
Sport Mode also increases the control throw when the
throttle is reduced for more positive control when
gliding. These features make flying the plane
smoother and easier for less experienced pilots, or
those seeking a more relaxing flight. All pilots should
master Sport Mode before going into Pro Mode.
Entering Sport Mode
1. Move the throttle slider down to the off position.
2. Turn on the transmitter and leave the stick
3. Plug the battery into the plane. You are now in
Sport Mode.
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