AerocrAft cAm quAd user’s Guide
5) Repeat moving the right and left control sticks slowly to the left and right, and forward and
backward to get used to how the Quad-Copter moves, all while at the same time making
small adjustments to the throttle to try and keep the Quad-Copter hovering about 2 to 3 feet
off the ground.
The LED lights will begin to flash during flight to indicate the LiPo battery voltage is getting
low. When the LED lights flash, land as soon as is safely possible, then recharge the battery.
flyinG the AerocrAft cAmquAd quAd-copter
fliGht bAsics, continued....
Press the Lights On/Off Button to turn the Quad-Copter’s LED lights
ON and OFF. Flying with the LED lights ON allows you to see the
Quad-Copter while flying in the dark (be careful!) or for flying during
the day for extra fun.
turninG the led liGhts on And off
First, practice hovering in a small space, using small control inputs to keep the Quad-Copter in
place (Fig. 1). Next, practice flying a square or rectangular pattern (Fig. 2), then practice flying
in a figure-8 pattern (Fig. 3). After getting better at flying these patterns, practice flying different
patterns, spinning the Quad-Copter 360º and changing the position at which you stand relative
to the front of the Quad-Copter (Fig. 4).
After mastering the basics of flight, use the Flip Button to make the Quad-Copter do 360º flips in
flight. The Quad-Copter is capable of doing 360º flips in any direction, regardless of Flight Mode
and even with minimal power.
4-wAy flip
1) With the throttle above idle (the motors must be turning), press and HOLD the Flip Button,
then move the right control stick in the direction you want the Quad-Copter to flip and
release it. The Quad-Copter will flip 360º in that direction. You can do this while hovering
or during directional flight.
The Quad-Copter will flip in the direction you hold and then
release the right control stick as long as the Flip Button is pressed.
Flip performance will degrade as the LiPo battery is drained. We don’t recommend doing
flips with low battery power.
Make sure that you have adequate room to perform flips. Flipping from a hover requires
about 2 to 3 feet of space. Flipping while flying in a specific direction will require more space,
depending on the speed of flight.
Flip Backward
Flip Forward
Flip Left
Flip Right
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Practice Patterns:
Once you become familiar with the basics, start practicing the different patterns described below.