If you use one elevator servo, we recommend the Flitework
4020M servo with 90N/cm traction force. (Order no.: 007-
4020M) If you use 2 servos for elevator, we recommend
2 pcs of Flitework 3615 servos. (Order no.: 007-3615) The
servo levers should have 25 mm from pivot point of servo to
mounting point of ball link to have a elevator range of +/- 45°
for 3D flight.
Cutout the drilling template from the end of this manual and
fix with adhesive tape against the firewall*.
Put the elevator unit into the fuselage and adjust carefully.
Take a thin non permanent marker and make a line along the
fuselage on both sides onto the elevator unit. Put away the
covering film a little bit inside the lines, using a very sharp
hobby knife. Take care and do not hurt the balsa wood under
the covering. If you like to use only one elevator servo, it is
very important, to put the steel connector first into the correct
position in the body. Then glue the elevator unit with 10 min.
Epoxy into the fuselage. Afterwards glue the hinges into the
elevator fins, using very thin CA or PVA glue. Together with
the hinges glue the steel connector to the elevator unit. We
recommend, to roughen the steel part, which is glued into
the elevator fin, with sand paper. Make the same procedure
on other side of elevator. Look at the exact position of both
elevator fins. The fins should be not distorted!! After opening
the slot in the elevator fin you can glue the elevator lever into
the slot, using epoxy glue.
Open the servo frame in front of the elevator unit.