The WEIGHT will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your WEIGHT. Press ENTER key to
confirm your WEIGHT. The default WEIGHT is 70kgs or 155lbs.
The GENDER will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to select your sex. Number 1 means man
and number 0 means female. Press ENTER key to confirm your Gender. The default sex is 1 (MAN).
The AGE will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your AGE. Press ENTER key to confirm
your AGE. The default AGE is 35.
Press the START/STOP key to begin body fat measurement. If the window show E on the window,
please make sure your hands are attached well on the grips or the chest belt is touch well on your
body. Then press the START/STOP key again to begin body fat measurement.
After finished your measurement, the computer will show the values of BMR, BMI and FAT PERCENT
on the LCD display. Furthermore, the computer will show your own exercise profile for your body
Press START/STOP key to begin exercise.
Operation guide:
Sleep Mode:
The computer will enter the sleep mode when there is no signal input and no keys be pressed after 4
minutes. You can press any key to wake up the computer.
BMI (Body Mass Index): BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both
adult men and women.
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) shows the number of calories your
body needs to operate. This doesn’t account for any activity, it’s simply the energy needed to sustain
a heartbeat, breathing and normal body temperature. It measures the body at rest, not sleep, at
room temperature.
Error Message:
E1 (ERROR 1):
Normal state
: During workout, when the monitor did not get the count signal from the gear motor more
than 4 seconds and check under successive 3 times then the LCD will show E1.
Power on state
: The gear motor will return to zero automatically, when the signal of motor cannot be
detected for more than 4 seconds then the gear motor’s driver will be cut off immediately and show the E1
on the LCD display. All the other digital and function mark are blank, and the output signals are cut off also.
E2 (ERROR 2): When the monitor read the memory data, if the I.D. code is not correct or the memory IC
damages then the monitor will show E2 immediately at power on.
E3 (ERROR 3): After 4 seconds by start mode, the computer detects the faulty motor did not leave the zero
point then the LCD bar displays “E3”.
Error message: When you press “Pulse Recovery”Key but don’t hold on hand grips , the computer will
show “Err”.
Technical data of the current adapter
Available for Input: 230V/50Hz or 60Hz, Output: 6V AC/0.5A
Available for Input: 110V/50Hz or 60Hz, Output: 6V AC/0.5A