13 (20)
Fig. 14
Modbus settings
Serial Settings (Modbus RTU/ASCII)
Transmission Mode
Slave Response
Default = 200 ms
Physical Interface
EIA-485 (terminal), EIA-232 (terminal) or EIA-232 (D-sub)
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 bps
Character Format
Parity and number of stop bits
Extra delay between
Some nodes may require extra time to finish handling a message before receiving
another. This setting adds a delay between each message.
Character delimiter
The “silent” period to be regarded as a delimiter between one message and the
next. If set to 0 (zero) the default Modbus setting of 3.5 characters is used. The
actual time will then depend on the baud rate.
Ethernet Settings (Modbus TCP)
Port Number
The port to use for Modbus TCP communication. Default = 502
Gateway Registers
Queries sent to the specified address offset will be handled by the internal
registers in the gateway instead of being forwarded to the Modbus RTU network.
. Default = disabled.
Server Idle Timeout
Idle timeout for the Modbus TCP connection. If no Modbus TCP query is received
within this time the connection will close. Default = 60 seconds.
IP Authentication
If enabled, specifies the IP address and netmask of the device that is allowed to
connect to the gateway. Default = disabled.
Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway User Manual
HMSI-168-77 3.0