3. Position the transfer in the desired location on the substrate.
The transfer image should be “mirrored” before transferring except
when transferring to substrates where the image shows through, i.e.
glass tiles and cutting boards.
When transferring double sided or sublimation transfers to
garments, always place a sheet of transfer paper or a PTFE sheet
between the layers of the garments to avoid bleed through or reheating
of the applied transfer.
4. Pull the handle down until the handle locks.
Do not fold the transfer back on itself. Successful transfer work
depends on the correct balance of time, temperature and pressure.
The type and thickness of the material and the kind of transfer being
used will determine what settings are necessary.
For hot peel/split transfers, immediately peel the paper after the machine
has opened.
allow the transfer to cool. For cold peel transfers,
rub the transfer with an eraser or cloth and allow to cool for 5-10 seconds
before removing the release paper.
Specific application instructions are enclosed with transfers.
When you fail to make a successful transfer you can wonder, “Is it
the machine’s fault, or the transfer, wrong settings or what”?
1. Be sure to set the heat transfer machine to the transfer manufacturer’s
recommended Temperature, Time and Pressure settings. If you don’t
have these specifications, contact your transfer supplier for this infor
mation and any other special application instructions as many of the
new “High Tech” transfers require significantly different settings and/or
application techniques than those from years past.
When you start up your press for the first time each day, preheat the
pad for a minute. If the press has sat for 3-5 minutes without use, be
sure to “preheat” the pad for 10-15 seconds before loading the shirt or
making the first transfer.
3. After the shirt is positioned and centered on the preheated pad, “pre-
press” the shirt for 3 seconds to take the wrinkles out and more impor-
tantly, release any excess moisture out of the T-shirt fabric which can
reduce the chance of a successful transfer.
4. With all of the above recommendations, try making a transfer.
5. If successful, great! You are on your way to making some serious
money with your transfer machine!
6. If you have an area that isn’t transferring completely or as you would
like it to, follow these steps to determine the problem.
• Try increasing the pressure on the machine by 10-20%