Dec 22, 2004
- 126 -
The WRITE MULTIPLE command is similar to the WRITE SECTORS command, except interrupts are not
generated on every sector, but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors defined by
the SET MULTIPLE MODE command. The number of sectors defined by the SET MULTIPLE MODE
command is transferred without intervening interrupts. DRQ qualification of the transfer is required only at
the start of the data block, not on each sector. The SET MULTIPLE MODE command, which must be
executed prior to the WRITE MULTIPLE command, sets the block count of sectors to be transferred.
When the WRITE MULTIPLE command is issued, the Sector count Register contains the number of sectors
(not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of requested sector is not evenly
divisible by the block count, as many full blocks as possible are transferred, followed by a final, partial block
transfer. The Partial block transfer shall be for n sectors, where n = residue of {Sector Count / (Sector Count
per Block)}
Disk errors encountered during WRITE MULTIPLE commands are posted after the attempted disk write of
the block or partial block transferred. The write operation ends with the sector in error, regardless of the
position in the block. Subsequent blocks are not transferred in the event of an error. Interrupts are generated
when DRQ is set at the beginning of transfer of each block, except first block.
7.5.62. Write Multiple EXT [39h]
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command 39h
Feature Previous
LBA High
Previous setting
LBA bit 47 - 40
Current setting
LBA bit 23 - 16
Previous setting
LBA bit 39 - 32
Current setting
LBA bit 15 - 8
Previous setting
LBA bit 31 - 24
Current setting
LBA bit 7 - 0
Sector Count
Previous setting
Sector Count bit 15 - 8
Current setting
Sector Count bit 7 - 0
X 1 X
The WRITE MULTIPLE EXT command is similar to the WRITE SECTORS EXT command, except interrupts
are not generated on every sector, but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors
defined by the SET MULTIPLE MODE command. The number of sectors defined by the SET MULTIPLE
MODE command is transferred without intervening interrupts. DRQ qualification of the transfer is required
only at the start of the data block, not on each sector. The SET MULTIPLE MODE command, which must be
executed prior to the WRITE MULTIPLE EXT command, sets the block count of sectors to be transferred.
When the WRITE MULTIPLE EXT command is issued, the Sector count Register contains the number of
sectors (not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of requested sector is not