Installation Instructions
ML12D User Manual, January 2015
3� Cut a rectangular hole in the panel�
Cutout Dimensions (W x H) for the HIS-ML12:
308 mm x 263 mm (12�12" x 10�35"); ± 0�5 mm (0�020")
4� Clean and deburr the panel hole�
5� Separate the rear collar from the monitor by removing the 8 nuts�
6� Refer to the enclosure mounting diagram below�
7� Insert the unit into the front of the panel and re-attach the collar�
Contact Hope Industrial Systems if for any reason your application does
not allow for installation of the collar�
8� Tighten all 8 nuts to a torque of 10-15 inch-pounds to ensure a watertight seal
between the bezel gasket on the monitor and the equipment panel� Go around all
nuts twice to ensure an even compression on gasket�
If a torque wrench is not available, tighten all nuts evenly until bezel sits
1�6 to 2�4 mm (1/16" to 3/32") off the front of the panel�