Congratulations on your selection
of the only truly effective and
comfortable hip protectors –
You will find that not only will
hip protectors protect your
hips very securely, but also that
very soon you won’t notice them
once they are on – neither during
the day, nor at night.
How can they be so soft and
comfortable, yet so effective?
Hip Protectors use a
new, unique, patented material
called D3O, that absorbs impact
much more effectively than foams,
textiles, polyurethane or the hard
plastics that are typically used in
hip protectors. On impact D3O’s
molecules lock together instantly to
absorb the load, then relax into
their free-flowing state, enabling
the hip protectors to mould
comfortably to your body. For
comparison, see graph overleaf.
Instructions –
Issue #01
Insert into underpants
Fall-Safe hip protectors are designed to
fit easily into each of the pockets on the
inside of the underpants supplied.
Before putting on the pants, with one
hand bend the hip protector around its
longer axis and then, whilst opening the
pocket in the pants with the other hand,
insert the hip protector into the pocket.
Make sure that the narrower end is to
the bottom of the pocket and that the
embossed writing is facing outwards,
and is not upside down. See below.
Unisex pants with Fall-Safe hip protectors