Recorder scale(Linear)
100 V scale
Fig. 9.2.1
Fig. 9.2.2
Fig. 9 .2 .2 shows the DC OUT (OPTION) “G”/”+” terminals on the external
input/output terminal block on the rear of the unit.
A DC measuring instrument like a HIOKI chart recorder can be connected
to these terminals. For permanent data recording, a HI OKI chart recorder
is recommended for better technical follow-up, includ ing a supply of a
variety of recording charts and technical service.
Fig. 9.2.3 shows the chart for the HIOKI EPR-3000 Se ries chart recorder (0
to 10 V full sp an) whose measuring range is set to
5 V, and the –5 V
point is set to the zero (left most) line of the chart.
Fig. 9.2.3
S M-820 0 S er i es
S uper Meg oh m m e t e r
HI OKI EPR-300 0 Ser i es Char t Recor der
Fr on t
R e ar
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