Note 2: There is no technical standards available to specify the
charg ing time for samples, but a constant time should be
always applied to a specific type of samples, and such a time
should be recorded for later reference.
2)-2 Leakage Guard
(1) Before connecting the measuring rods to the Rx
terminals, mount the guard tip onto the red measuring rod as shown
in Fig. 9.1.1 on the previous page.
(2 ) Connect the measuring rods to the Rx
measuring terminals.
(3) Connect the sample as shown in Fig. 9.1.2 below.
Fig. 9.1.2
(4) Press the MEASURE switch to start the measurement.
Do not touch the Rx
measuring terminals and the connected
sample when the unit is in the MEASURE or CHARGE mode
because they carry the voltage set with the VOLTAGE selector
switch. I t is electric shock hazardous.
For safety, unplug the
measuring rod
from the Rx
terminals before disconnecting the guard tip from the sample.
S a m p l
Me t a l P l a t e
S a m p l e S up p o r t
(I n s u la t o r )
B l a c k
Me a s u r in g R od
Re d
Me a s u r in g R od
Me a s u r in g T i p
G ua rd T ip
-- to be continued --
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