Quick Start Guide – Blaze EZ
To auto scan back and forward for radio chanells, press and
hold the Right or Left arrow. To adjust scanning sensitivity,
press and hold the Up or Down arrow. To set the current
station as a preset, press "Select". Use the Up and Down
arrows to move among your presets.
To mute and unmute the sound of the radio, press the "Radio"
(R) button while the radio application is open. To switch
between the headphones and internal speakers of Blaze EZ,
press and hold the "Radio" (R) button.
8.4. Books
The button on the right of the row of square buttons is labeled
with a b in Braille and opens the book reader. The book reader
reads DAISY books and document files. If a book or document
has been opened, when you press the Books button, reading
resumes at the position you last left the Book Reader. If you
have not opened any books or documents since your last reset,
you are placed in the list of available books and documents.
You can also access the list of books and documents available
on the unit by opening the Book Reader and pressing the
Explorer button.
As with the Media Player, once playback of a book or
document is started, the Books button serves as the
Play/Pause button. You can also use the Voice Control button
and the Volume dial to adjust speed and pitch of the reading
voice. Use the Up and Down arrows to cycle through the
various navigation elements for the book or document, and use
the Left and Right arrows to move by the chosen element. Use
the “Explorer” button to open a list of the documents and
DAISY books on the Blaze EZ.