7EN160183 Rev. 8 • 2020
3. Liko ComfortSling Plus, Mod. 350 in combination with Liko
Sling Cross-bar 450 or 670, provides a reclined sitting position.
Cross-bar 670 also provides additional room for the shoulders.
Liko Universal Slingbar 450 in combination with SideBars provides
the same kind of reclined sitting position.
For the combinations listed under point 3, 12 cm Extension
Loops must
be used on the upper strap loops. When
lifting, make sure that the lower edge of the sling is at the level
of the bend in the knees. This also applies in combination with
the older Liko Sling Cross-bar.
Liko ComfortSling Plus High, Mod. 350
1. Liko ComfortSling Plus, Mod. 350 in combination with
Liko Universal SlingBar 450 provides a comfortable,
reclined sitting position.
2. Liko ComfortSling Plus, Mod. 350 in combination with
a twin bar 670, provides a reclined sitting position as well
as less bend in the hips and more room for the shoulders.
Different Sling Bars
Universal SideBars 450
Prod. No. 3156079
Sling Cross-bar 670*
Prod. No. 3156018
Sling Cross-bar 450*
Prod. No. 3156021
Universal TwinBar 670*
Prod. No. 3156077
SlingGuard 670 Twin*
Prod. No. 3308040
Universal SlingBar 450*
Prod. No. 3156075
* The sling bars come in
different designs,
see Liko’s Product List.
SlingGuard 450*
Prod. No. 3308020
Extension Loop, green, 12 cm (5 in)
Prod. No. 3691102
Extension Loop, green 22 cm (9 in)
Prod. No. 3691103
Extension Loop, grey, 12 cm (5 in)
Prod. No. 3691302
Extension Loop, grey, 22 cm (9 in)
Prod. No. 3691303
- 2 = 12 cm (5 in)
- 3 = 22 cm (9 in)