User Manual of DS-1100KI Network Keyboard
User Management:
Add/modify/delete user account, and assign operating permissions for each user.
Device Information:
View the version and basic information of the decoder device.
Device Upgrade:
Remotely upgrade the device by USB file.
: Import/export configuration files.
Restore Default:
Restore factory default settings.
4.2 Input Settings
on the
main interface to enter the Input Settings interface.
The list has displayed all device cameras which can be controlled by the current login user.
The camera name shown in the Camera Name is obtained from the corresponding device.
4.2.1 Modifying a Camera
Select a camera from the “Input Settings-Input List” interface, and click
to modify the camera name, camera
No., protocol and stream type.
The Camera No. should be set uniquely from 1 to 999999.